Tag Archives: Stila Cosmetics


Lip and Cheek: Stila Cosmetics Convertible Color in Camelia. Eyeliner: Stila Cosmetics Liquid Eyeliner. Eye shadow: Stila Cosmetics Glitter & Glow liquid eye shadow in Kitten. Skin: Stila Cosmetics Lingerie Soufflé.

Lingerie Soufflé. Yep, it’s Skin Perfecting Color by Stila Cosmetics. Light like lingerie. Whipped like soufflé. It’s the first time I’ve used something that doubles as a translucent veil with advanced pigments and particles that blur and even my skin. It’s makeup that doesn’t look like makeup. This is my go-to day look. A super subtle cat eye with a liquid liner, and one of my favorite new products, liquid eyeshadow. I use liquid eyeshadow to just dab on over traditional eyeshadow for a little hint of sparkle. That along with a pinched cheek and soft lip feels youthful. This look just feels fresh, fresh, fresh!

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